There are things that Barrett is really good at. Puzzles. Letters.Alphabet. Taking risks. Blocks. Remembering where things are. There are also things that he could live without. Art for example. Food is another.
A lot of kids are picky. Bear is whatever level is beyond picky. His food choices include: apple juice, milk, chocolate milk, gorilla munch cereal, peanut butter, ritz crackers, yogurt (in a tube), BBQ flavor potato chips, bread, and chocolate. Oh, and the bun of a hamburger.
No chicken nuggets. No mac and cheese. No grilled cheese. No pizza. No pasta.
I gave up trying a long time ago. I just figured, as long as he had a little bit of peanut butter, a glass of milk, and his gummy vitamins we would be ok. Each doctor visit he is right in the middle range for weight, height, and head circumference. Guess something is working right.
As an aspiring Nutrition Consultant you would expect my child to eat way better- or more effort on my part. You know, like the kids who sit down and eat carrot sticks for a snack. Or string cheese. Or chicken for dinner.
What should I be expecting from my almost 2.5 year old? If he can turn on my ipod, find a game, play it, and turn it off- should I be making him at least try some new foods?
At what point do you make it an issue?
Well for us, I guess that time is now.
What's my plan of action? Structure for meals and snacks. No wandering around eating aimlessly. Limitations on liquids. And putting what Joe and I have for dinner on Bear's plate. No treats if he doesn't try something new.
The first night we made him stay in his chair until he took one bite of vegetables. We spent an hour and half waiting than put him to bed. We weren't really getting anywhere with that plan so the next one was to make him sit with us during dinner and he could only have dessert if he tried his chicken. He fell asleep at the table.
No bribing. Consistency. Leading by example. Patience and encouragement when he tries something new. I've noticed that the more I make it a battle the more it becomes a war.
We've got a ways to go before we get to carrot sticks, sprouts, and lettuce- but we'll get there eventually. As a team.
Sounds like you have a good strategy - good luck!