Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom

- I don't sort my laundry. Other than towels and diapers, everything gets washed cold.

- Sometimes (most times) Bear eats lunch while watching TV

- I love being in the kitchen. I can't stand doing the dishes. I know it will only take me 10 minutes, but I just put it off until we run out of spoons.

-I treasure going grocery shopping by myself.

- I'm not a yeller. The last time I yelled at my kid he looked at me and laughed. I thought- yea, I didn't take me seriously either. It's not a good thing or a bad thing- just the way it is I guess.

- I love it when Joe calls to say he is on his way home. It's my favorite part of the day.

- I'm a young mom. I get mad when people show up to groups saying they are "young mom's" and are 40 years older than me. I can't help it. Yes, I am your sisters age. No I do not qualify for that show "teen mom." I do my best. You do your best. Stop judging me. Stop telling me how young I am. I would love to be your friend. I don't ask you how old you are- don't ask me how old I am.

-I find the internet and social networking sites soothing. I am on facebook way too much. I blog therapeutically. I may be way too open. But I love it. I'm not sure if I'll stop.

-I haven't vacuumed in a month. I think the last time I vacuumed was when my MIL was in town. So Cindi, you need another trip out here. The carpet looks horrible.

-I used to think I was a bad mom for not knowing what I did with my days. Now, I realize, I have a kid. That's what I do.

-My toddler hates baths. I hate giving him baths. It's a nightmare. So, baths do not come often around here.

-I on the other hand, have been known to put on Toy Story 3 and go take a bath by myself.

-there was just a huge crash upstairs. I don't know what caused it. All I heard was "uh-oh." I'm not in a hurry to go up there.

-I love being at home. It's the hardest and least rewarding job ever.

At least it feels like that most days.

1 comment:

  1. I also do not sort my laundry. Never have. Diapers are the only exception. Its comforting to know I am not the only one :-)
